Saturday, October 29, 2005

First Entry

29th Oct 2005, my first blog entry. 4 more hrs to my 1st cable-ski trip, feeling rather excited abt it.
Doc says Ah Chang seems to be suffering frm Depression these days, refusing to eat or drink, and i'm feeling guilty abt not been visiting him for more than a week. Wonder how's he now. Hope he will be strong & recover fast.
Alan also seems to be going thru a tough period and i am sorry for neglecting him this 2 months. Really really hope he'll be fine.
Stupid IA taking up so much of my time. Din really study much this sem & i'm very disappointed wif myself.
Now's 3.33am and i still dun feel like sleeping, maybe becos i juz drank coffee, or maybe there's a lot of things on my mind. Maybe i should go and sleep now, or maybe i shld juz continue wasting my time away till morning...


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