Friday, November 18, 2005

women are nothing but trouble...

Almost went crazy just now. Stupid Ruilin keep MSNing me even though i told her i was busy. Got so stressed that i had to 'disconnect'. Been rather disturbed by her SMSes lately too. Her SMSes for the past few days only revolve around 2 topics.

Topic 1: Me & Jeanie
Dunno wat i did to give her the impression that i like Jeanie. Why would i like that xiao char bo u tell me.

Topic 2: Her Personal Problems
Friends should care for one another i agree. But given my 'heck care' attitude, i dunno wat gave her the impression that i would be interested to know so much about her problems. She's really very 'fan' at times, so much so that i can't stand it.

Hope she can find a boyfriend soon so that she dun have to keep bothering me.


Blogger lovelovelove said...

HAHAH! eh u put her name like tt so openly ah? she go yahoo search own name can find liao lor. stupid! n also.. erm, i think u tell her ure a gay can already so she'll stop bothering you with tt n HELLO! im not siaocharbor, im sane.

STUPID! (daqiu's tone)

[YA! i noe im not supposed to tag, im not supposed to read ur blog, not supposed to know it exists]

9:59 PM  
Blogger gao^xing said...

u think she so free like u nth to do then go search for her own name meh?
anyway even if she managed to find also like that lor, i'm dun really care..
yah i know u read my blog lah, wanna read read lor.. since u already know.. but keep it a secret thanx..

8:48 PM  

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