Wednesday, December 07, 2005

1st Match Coming Up...

Went for basketball training after work yesterday. During the debrief, Terence talked a bit about our upcoming match versus hall 4. He would be going overseas and won’t be playing that match, and according to what he said, hall 10 had never won a single match without him. Yong Cai and Hai Tao would be attending IVP training and may not be able to play too. Even if they play, they would be too exhausted to give their best.

Kai Yuen, John, Weiyong, Zhan Peng and me would be the starting line-up and Terence stresses that our fate depends on the shooters in our team for this match. And that makes me very important for this match because “ah-hem” I am one of the best shooters in the team (shooting’s my only forte, I suck at everything else). Terence expects me to get about 20 points, including approximately 5 three-pointers. Imagine our team with a final score of about 50 points, 20 points would be near half our total points!

Initially I aim to score about 12-15 points, which I think is highly possible to obtain. But after what Terence had said, I now aim to score 20 points or more. Looking forward to the match. Its gonna be My Play Time.

Watched “Superhost” last night in Secksen’s room. Lee Teng’s performance was quite good and his points for his performance landed him in the 4th position. Normally I dun vote for such contests but last night I voted for him.

To my surprise, after the show ended, I received a phone call telling me I’ve been picked to come up with a question to ask one of the contestants later at 11.30pm when they announce the results for the telephone and sms voting for the contestants.

Watched the results at 11.30pm and ironically, the contestant who got the lowest points for the performance earlier on (the 17 year-old guy) had the most votes while the one (LuoYi) with the highest points got the least votes. Was very nervous for Lee Teng when they announced the results for the voting one by one. In the end, Lee Teng ranked 7th ! Haiz… Dunno why he has no ‘guan zhong yuan’.

In the end, I was not picked to be the one asking them the question (the chosen audience’s question is much better than mine, that’s why). It was a fight between the 17-year-old and LuoYi to see who gets to stay in the competition. The rest of the contestants and their mentor, Guo Liang, get to vote and decide who to knock out. As expected, all of them except Lee Teng and Guo Liang voted LuoYi out as they view LuoYi as a stronger rival.

I have no idea what was the reason for the organizers to come up with such a voting scheme, as this would end up with the 2 lousiest hosts fighting in the finals. Anyway, I think that its so unfair that LuoYi got voted out in the 1st round. I personally feel that he is quite good (given the fact he got the highest point during the performance) and is considered one of the better looking ones among the contestants, thus it is so unfair to kick him out so soon. The 17-year-old should be the one to go. Haiz, anyway this world is never fair.



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