Friday, December 02, 2005

so many things to write... but i'm too lazy...

Went volleyball training yesterday. Tried serving the ball and spiking the ball at the volleyball court at canteen 2. Halfway through the training i looked at my palm and i realised that my whole hand was swollen! Continued to practise nevertheless. Trained from 2.30pm to about 6pm, was quite tired by then. Never in my whole life had i played so much volleyball.

Was abit fed up last night again because Yong Cai and Seck Sen said they would be going for supper at 10.30pm sharp. I told them i dun trust them but they insist they will go at 10.30pm. In the end they went at 11.51pm. I had wanted to join them if they went at 10.30pm, but 11.51pm was too late for me. Please note that i was only 'abit' fed up because i had expected them to either cancel supper or go quite late. It happened quite a number of times already.

Today kena fierced by Ernest for the second time, due to some misunderstandings. Rushed back hall straight after work only to find that basketball training was cancelled because of too people attending. Originally planned to rush to the NIE court to join them.

Chatted with Vonny on MSN earlier on. First time i actually chatted with her. The last time i chatted with her boyfriend! Even got her hp number, and Yong Cai said he would not pass me any ball during tmr's match if i ask her for her hp number. Hahaa...

Went running for the first time since dunno when. Ran the bus 199 route. Actually tried to jio Vonny to run together but she said she bathed already. To my surprise, i saw Hai Tao at the NIE court secretly practising his 3-pointer. No wonder his shooting is so good! I thought such scenes only happen in comic. Going to train alone only to discover your team-mate also doing training on his own.

Challenged him 3-pointer. We played 11 balls and it ended in a tie. 2nd time 5 balls and he win me 5-0. Nevermind, tmr's match we shall see who scores more.


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