Tuesday, August 29, 2006

time passes fast..

its been about 2 weeks since i last blogged.. now is already the 4th week of school and i'm feeling damn stressed.. my FYP and mp4011 design project is taking up quite alot of my time.. hence my (N)ine Club is currently 休息ing.. anyway so far i only got 5 time-tables.. maybe it'll be better if someone take over me as president..

BAS Open 2006 has ended.. 1st match on my birthday and i only scored 4 points, missed most of my shots and sprained my ankle.. but i had a surprised when Choon Lim appeared with a cake while we were at the coffee-shop.. it was certainly unexpected..

we got thrashed during the 2nd match and i didn't even get to play, cuz of my sprained ankle.. 3rd match was as not exciting as the other matches.. we played normal and none of us was on form and we had many turnovers.. lost the match as expected.. only good thing was that i had a female supporter for the match (though she keep telling me she supported no.13 from the opponent team).

feeling kinda troubled now.. but i dun really wanna write it down here.. hahaa.. byez..

Saturday, August 12, 2006

today is saturday..

slacking at home right now.. enjoying the music and air-con in my room.. the relaxed feeling.. guess i wun be able to enjoy this feeling anymore in the coming weeks.. school's started and in fact i should be studying now instead of slacking.. anyway, for the BAS Open, our first match is coming soon.. 18th August.. coming Friday.. second match, coming Sunday..

Jeanie commented that i've been hanging out a lot with the freshies lately.. neglecting them (as in she and yongcai they all).. thats kinda true.. but then secksen's always not in hall and i dun really like to be a light-bulb.. Cechao, on the other hand, has been very hardworking lately.. always working on his Dota or wateva.. only Terry is the same old good Terry.. hahaa..

the new batch of freshies were rather 'siao on'.. and our blk (blk 51) is now much more united and fun than before.. more than 20 of us went to have our dinner at JP last night.. we then watched "Click" after that.. its quite a nice show.. much better than i had expected.. i was actually moved to tears at a particular scene.. but no one saw it.. i was seating at one corner.. i wun cry in front of others.. cuz i'm a guy.. and a guy must act brave in front of others.. esp gals..

after the movie we celebrated Kexin's birthday in the tv lounge.. after a while all the saboing starts and the whole tv lounge was in a mess.. was pretty fun.. juz that we needa do abit of cleaning up after everything.. anyway, hope Kexin enjoys this mini celebration..

this morning while we were waiting for Sylvia to come back from school, i shouted across the block to Kexin and Shirley that i wanted to fast forward to the time when Sylvia comes back.. they then remind me that if i do that, from then on whenever i have to wait for someone or something, my life would go fast forward.. damn.. i realized that if i were to get hold of a Universal Controller, i would most probably end up the same fate as Adams Sandler in the show..

i used to be very patient in the past.. whenever i'm meeting my friends i would plan to reach about 15 minutes earlier than the meeting time as i do not like people to wait for me.. however, as time goes by, i realized that the whole human population is getting more and more selfish.. wasting other people's precious time waiting for them.. gradually i changed to arriving on time and sometimes being late, but seldom for more than 15 minutes..

-The End-

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

FOC 2006

haven been updating since FOC started.. with only abt 3 hours of sleep everyday for the whole week.. well, was glad to join this FOC as a senior attached.. but i definitely would not wanna join it again (anyway, no more chance liao)..

got quite fed up with some people during these 5 days.. dunno why some people juz like to 掺一脚 in everything and act as if they know everything.. and that MinRong kinda pissed me off on SP night when he refused a few of us for a second helping.. the way he put it was like the few of us were so 'giam pen'.. anyway, throughout the whole FOC i see him 'buay song'.. dun like the way he handle things.. fucked up..

anyway the main 收获 of this FOC was getting to know the freshies.. some of them quite cute.. some abit attitude problem.. some rather quiet.. all sorts of character.. i even sacrificed myself during the SP saboing and let YongCang do a lapdance around me..

and that MingSong very clever.. specially requested Tricia to be his SP.. i should have think of that and did the same too.. then maybe i'll be attached now.. hahaa..

school started on monday and i already started sleeping during lectures.. have a very strong hunch that i will start to skip lectures soon.. went to school at 8.30am though my lesson starts at 10.30am, hoping to buy and print notes without having to join long queues.. but i was wrong.. there were already more than 10 people waiting outside the library even before 8.30am.. and within 15 minutes all the computers were occupied.. what has the world come to.. haizz..