Saturday, September 30, 2006

Test of my mental age..

my results:






haiz.. i've always knew i think like an old man..


And I'm just down you left me with a note without a sound

I figured I must have been such a child

You'll never know how much I've been around

How my heart just frowns if you're down

I'll be your teddy bear I'll be your clown

I'll take you round and round and if you don't mind I could be your standing ground

Even if that means I'd drown..

feeling kinda down these days.. dun ask me why.. hope everything will be fine soon.. i wanna concentate on my studies!!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A cup of water..

A group of working adults got together to visit their University lecturer. The Lecturer was happy to see them. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. The lecturer just smiled and went to the kitchen to get an assortment of cups - some porcelain, some inplastic, some in glass, some plain looking and some looked rather expensive and exquisite.

The Lecturer offered his former students the cups to get drinks for themselves. When all the students had a cup in hand with water, the Lecturer spoke: If you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.

What all you wanted was water, not the cup, but we unconsciously went for the better cups. Just like in life, if Life is Water, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold/maintain Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change. If we only concentrate on the cup, we won't have time to enjoy/taste the water in it. Ability may take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.

-John Wooden, Basketball Coach -

Monday, September 25, 2006

new week new start..

went to celebrate guohui's birthday at billy bombers last night.. its been so long since i last met up with them.. a pity not everyone was there.. anyway, had a great time.. hope Guohui enjoyed the dinner..

anyway.. feeling much better le.. not as stressed.. cuz i have not been studying this 2 days.. watching alot of tv..

Saturday, September 23, 2006

the trust game..

someone has been avoiding and ignoring me this 2 weeks.. and not only that, that someone lied to me.. to think that that someone is someone i trust..

well.. i HATE to be ignored and lied to.. i have my feelings too.. thanks for making me feel so depressed for the past week..

Friday, September 22, 2006

this seems fun especially when you are damn bored..

Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head, without reading the questions below.

1. alan
2. zhong yang
3. ruilin
4. yvonne
5. amelia
6. ivan
7. jeanie
8. yulong
9. guohui
10. tricia
11. yaozhong
12. yuli
13. jaime
14. leon
15. vonny
16. jasmine
17. geok sim
18. sylvia
19. terry
20. ailing

How did you meet no.14?
he slpt in the same room before.. my ex ex ex roomie.. hahaa

What would you do if you never met no.1?
life may be v different for me.. he's the candidate for my 'best friend'..

What would you do if no.20 and no.9 dated?
hmm.. but they do not know each other..

Did you ever like no.19?
confirm not! though i'm still single doesn't mean i'm gay!

Would no.6 and no.17 make a good couple?
hmm.. maybe i should introduce them to each other..

Describe no.3.
oh shit.. i dun wanna get hit.. erm.. i think she's a nice gal but her EQ is below average.. hahaa..

Do you think no.8 is attractive?
yup.. i voted him for the most handsome in Extreme gang..

Tell me something about No. 7.
erm.. she's a really nice gal.. and she's my 'sister-in-law'..

Do you know any of 12's family?
erm.. dunno..

What's no.8's favorite?
gundam figurines?

What language does no.15 speak?
english chinese and erm.. wat do they call the language of indonesians?

Who is no.9 going out with?
Pamela! i think he loves her lots..

How old is no.16 now?
not very sure.. 19? i only know she's a hungry pig..

When was the last time you talked to no.13?
a few days ago when i met her at JP popular?

Who's no.2's favorite band/singer?
erm.. not sure if he likes any particular singer/band..

Would you date no.4?
erm.. hahaa.. she may be my wife 5 years down the road.. (pls note that only she will know wat i'm talking abt.. rest of you dun think too much)

Would you date no.7?
hahaa.. my 'sis-in-law' leh.. its quite impossible..

Is No 15 single?
currently yes..

What's no. 10's last name?

Would you ever be in a serious relationship with no.18?
not in the near future..

Which school does no.3 go to?
erm.. i only know now's NTU.. hahaa..

What's your favorite thing about no.5?
she's very cute.. adorable.. funny.. ren jian ren ai..

Have you seen no.1 naked?
half-naked bah.. hahaa.. guy leh.. i'm not interested..

Tag 5 more people to do this.
hmm.. i dun really know who reads my blog except ruilin jeanie amelia freddie kein shirley yvonne alan weiting sylvia and haoling.. you all who wanna do juz do.. hahaa..

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Believe or not, i'm not that happy..

I have a strong hunch that i'm not gonna do well for this semester.. Been trying hard to concentrate on my studies this few days, but i simply can't..

Losing sleep and having no appetite are juz 2 of the sypmtons of Depression.. I've been suffering from Depression since dunno when.. thoughts of commiting suicide came to my mind not long ago.. but i immediately dismissed the thought as i do not want my family and friends to be sad.. but isn't it sad to live for others and not for yourself..

No one seems to believe me when i tell them that i'm suffering from Depression.. maybe its because i put in effort to appear cheerful in front of them.. Recently i am damn depressed over something and for certain reasons i cannot write it down here..

I think i need some counselling.. hahaa.. anyway dun worry guys, at least i know i'm suffering from Depression.. i wun do anything stupid.. yet..

no matter what, i will not give up..

Sunday, September 10, 2006

this week

nothing much happened this week.. i'm still damn stressed with my fyp, studies and some other things.. played ibg bball finals on wed and we lost to blk 52.. didn't play well even though someone was watching.. erm.. well she nvr cheer for me anyway..

wasn't feeling well that night after the match.. got an eye infection the next day.. eyes abit red and swollen till today..

supposed to have bball training today at 8.15am today.. i made effort to wake up early and reach at 8.10am.. to me, the timing 8.15am means for everyone to be ready and start training at 8.15am.. apparantly it has a different meaning to the others..

being late for 15 mins is still excusable, but at 8.30am, only Alan came.. quite some time later, the rest came in one by one.. discipline a huge problem in our team, and no one seems to give a damn.. well, since all of them are not interested in the training, i decided not to go for anymore trainings unless we managed to get a formal coach for our team..

sounds like i'm having a little attitude problem here, but i dun see the point of wasting my time to go for anymore 'trainings' which i think do not serve any purpose cuz i doubt we will ever have a near-full attendence and everyone will give their best during trainings.. at most i'll juz quit the team and only play leisurely with them on Sundays?

even if your arms grow big, you'll still look the same to me..