Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Letter of Commendation

well, nothing much happened recently, juz that i received a letter from the Students Affairs Office.. a Letter of Commendation.. the letter goes:

"I will like to put on record your act of public-spiritedness on 8 January 2007, leading to the apprehension of a theft suspect at Hall of Residence 10.

Though you may be a final year resident, i certainly look forward to your efforts in propagating this spirit within the hall in your remaining stay in Hall of Residence 10.

This letter serves as an acknowledgement of your contribution and appreciation of your good efforts.

Thank you."

Well what happened on that day was that Jeanie spotted a suspicious character loitering around our block and we called the campus security. When the securty guard came, the suspect was gone and i decided to go out and look for him. It so happen that i spotted him and followed him all the way to Hall 9, then 'capture' him with the help of a Hall 9 resident.

Well, the letter Jeanie received told her that she would be guaranteed a stay in hall 10 next year. But for me, i merely received a "Thank you and pls propagate your public-spiritedness around". Should have caught the guy a year earlier. Or maybe they should consider giving me a 50% discount on this sem's hostel fees. So much for being the 'Hero'.

Well actually i dun recommend others to follow what i did, esp the gals, cuz the situation could turn nasty had the suspect took out a knife or some weapon and attacked me.. but then again, 叔叔是有练过的.. so you kids better not follow what i did..


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