Saturday, December 09, 2006

i juz slpt for 16 hours..

had ihg bball training on tuesday morning.. first training after exams.. training was not that tough but considering the fact that i have not actually excerised for 1 month plus, it was rather exhausting.. had to rush to Sengkang Depot to settle some fyp stuff after that.. contacted Mr Paramjit Singh and he was a great help.. so was Mdm Ho.. my fyp has not been going smoothly and i was glad that i met them and had their assistance.. had dinner at JP after that and my legs were damn tired after the whole day..

friday was juz as tiring.. went to bed at 11+pm on thur nite but only got to slp ard 2am.. woke up at 3+am to do my fyp interim report.. went home at 6.15am, then went with out with parents to make offerings to my grandfather.. went back school again after that to finish up and hand in my report.. made my way to Marina Bay for our block outing after that..

reached home at 12+am and i slpt at ard 3am.. amazing thing is i slpt till 7pm today! guessed i must have been tired out.. physically and mentally? must have been stressed over my fyp..

though i dun really understand myself, i know i have many flaws and 1 of my major flaws is that i tend to get too affected by what other people say, even though i know that they dun really mean it.. nowadays people dun mean what they say and i wonder why.. i've always been a serious person, be it work or play, but somehow i know that the image i've portrayed isn't so..

i realized that sometimes i'll feel stressed when i'm in hall or with the people from my hall.. actually i'm kinda affected by the scandal between me and Jasmine.. whenever i'm with the extension gals, they will talk about me and her.. when i'm with the seniors they will also mention it.. as if not enough even other blk people (my friends from another blk) also asked me about whether the rumour is true..

i dunno how the rumour spread so far and i dunno why i'm so affected, but the problem is with me i guessed.. cuz i've always been unable to accept critisms.. anyway, i'll try to change and not to take things too seriously.. changing myself too suit this world i'm living in..

btw someone offered me a rather absurd deal juz now and i'm still deciding whether i shld accept it..


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