Saturday, March 31, 2007


went to watch "The Haunted School" on Tuesday.. went with Yvonne and Derek.. Derek says the show is damn chui, but i find it ok.. i'll give it 3 bballs out of 5.. its abit of horror, abit of romance, and abit of comedy.. hahaa.. the ending seems ridiculous at first cuz no one knows what it means, but when i was walking out of the cinema i managed to figure it out.. i think i'm damn smart..

the 3 of us had dinner at Pasta Mania after the show and someone's gf popped out of no where.. from then on, its ...... bought a few things on the way back.. i'm supposedly trying to save money for my Hong Kong trip but i spent about $40 that day..

i think this monkey is damn cute..

Friday, March 23, 2007


well, went for the annual Hall Awards last week.. and i got the Best Sportsman of the Year! first guy in history to win the award playing just one sport! and i bet i'll maintain the record for at least a decade.. hahaa.. to win the award i think you've either gotta be real good at a certain sport and help your team win IHG, or you gotta be real good friends with the JCRC members.. hahaa.. and i'm neither.. but then again its only a rather useless piece of certificate.. unlike the 512 MB SD card for all the final years.. glad i'm a final year too.. hahaa..

anyway i heard that Jazzel was rather supportive of me during the voting.. not sure whether its true, but it seem kinda weird.. hahaa..

anyway i wasn't quite in the mood that nite.. actually feel kinda out of place.. cuz all the other final years were like a clique, while i dun really know some of them.. can't really fit in.. the kind of feeling.. juz like Naruto and Gaara.. haizz..

on a lighter note, i helped Kexin with her project and ran around our block to let her film.. and she roughly teached me how to use Windows Movie Maker.. now i can start making my own clips! will help with my fyp too..

and now i'm a part-time staff packing shoes for Tinkerbell.. wun be free every wkend 9am to 2pm.. which means no basketball for the nxt 2 months.. no choice.. need money for my Hong Kong trip.. its confirmed! gg on the last day of May!

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

the wedding..

it was siqi and marvin's big day on sat and the few of us went to attend the solemnization at around noon.. after that was playing around with siqi's cousins, followed by preparing for the dinner.. it was rather rush and their friends were late due to the rain and the traffic.. turned out i was roped in at the last minute to help out with the video part.. was damn stressed by the task.. but glad that everything turned out ok..

everything ended around 11plus and unexpected we played mahjong till morning.. me zhongyang alan and hongyong.. and i turned out to be the big loser.. packed up and had breakfast after that.. took some pics as well..

the few of us were damn tired, especially me alan and zhongyang, and we had to go to siqi's house to pick up our belongings after that.. turned out we played "in-between" till 4plus.. my first time playing and i lost around 30 bucks.. anyway the whole event was very enjoyable though i got so tired i slept from 5plus till 9pm and missed ah heng's baby's first month and i didn't had steamboat with my family..

well i got this from Alan's blog:

Photographs and Gowns : $7000

Wedding Dinner: $28000 for about 30 tables (conservative estimates)

New HDB Flat (w/ 10% down payment) + Renovation : $35000

Honeymoon : $5000

Miscellaneous: $5000

all these add up to about $80000.. i wonder how on earth i'm gonna get so much money to get married.. still owe the bank $20000+ now.. jobless and still spending.. glad i'm still single at the moment.. no need extra expenses and no need to think of marriage so soon..

the dinner..

the bride and us..
tired the next morning..


Friday, March 02, 2007

tooth extraction

went to extract my tooth at the school dental centre today.. no its not a wisdom tooth, juz a rotten tooth.. been having sleepless nights for the past 3 days due to the pain.. woke me up in the middle of my sleep and left me in pain.. decided to face my greatest fear to see the dentist so that i can sleep peacefully..
the extraction costs me $98 and much pain and some stitches on my gum to be removed next week.. i was told not to exercise or take hot or cold drinks or spicy stuff for the next few days..
my tooth..
on a lighter note, i played 3 rounds of mahjong this week in hall and today, i 自摸 my first 十三幺 ever..