Friday, March 23, 2007


well, went for the annual Hall Awards last week.. and i got the Best Sportsman of the Year! first guy in history to win the award playing just one sport! and i bet i'll maintain the record for at least a decade.. hahaa.. to win the award i think you've either gotta be real good at a certain sport and help your team win IHG, or you gotta be real good friends with the JCRC members.. hahaa.. and i'm neither.. but then again its only a rather useless piece of certificate.. unlike the 512 MB SD card for all the final years.. glad i'm a final year too.. hahaa..

anyway i heard that Jazzel was rather supportive of me during the voting.. not sure whether its true, but it seem kinda weird.. hahaa..

anyway i wasn't quite in the mood that nite.. actually feel kinda out of place.. cuz all the other final years were like a clique, while i dun really know some of them.. can't really fit in.. the kind of feeling.. juz like Naruto and Gaara.. haizz..

on a lighter note, i helped Kexin with her project and ran around our block to let her film.. and she roughly teached me how to use Windows Movie Maker.. now i can start making my own clips! will help with my fyp too..

and now i'm a part-time staff packing shoes for Tinkerbell.. wun be free every wkend 9am to 2pm.. which means no basketball for the nxt 2 months.. no choice.. need money for my Hong Kong trip.. its confirmed! gg on the last day of May!

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