Friday, February 16, 2007

sick on V-Day.. (my love story)

was chatting with Kexin when i mentioned that i got sick on V-Day.. she then wrote a story for me.. hahaa..

since then~

little yongli had been searching high and low his true love

he braved through the storm and crawled through the dessert of fyp~

he climbed the hills and dashed through the jungles~

but he saw no gal who can catch his eyes and heart

he was disappointed~

then he prayed to the goddess of love again~

dear yue lao, please bao you wo~ can you give me a hint of where my true love will be?

the girl who will catch my eyes, catch my breath , and keep my heart with her for the rest of her life?

yue lao replied

" fret not, i had assigned a girl for you. the one who is destined to be with you will appear one day, she may not catch ur eye or breath, but she will keep ur heart with her with the most tendering care for the rest of her life. do not despair~

little yong li stood up using his last unit of strength and shouted to the sky furiously

"WHEN is the one day?! I had waited for all my 20plus years waiting and searching for her! haven't i done enough?! why did you assign others to meet their true love so soon and assign me to wait?! what wrong had i done?! look around, even here in the hall i live in, there are couples getting together everyday, and you are dumping me in this sea of loneliness. this is unfair!"

little yongli was furious, and perhaps more than that, he was upset, and depressed...

his last unit of strength was exhausted

he fell down to his knees

luffing, and tearing~

he was so sick and tired of this.


from the deep blue sky echoed again, the words fromthe goddess of love

why are you in such a hurry? if you are so impatient, how are you going to support and share the rest of your life with ur true love. you ain't ready yet my boy. you ain't ready yet. spending a lifetime with ur loved one will take much more patience then it takes to await her.

in fact, many people around aint ready yet, and i am putting the into test to make them realise this, and hopefully you can see it and learn from their lessons too.

you may request to be put into test too, as you may think, even if it fails. you get a taste of it afterall, but my boy, with teh sweetness given to you, comes the agony of pulling you and the other party apart. furthermore, being with the right one, ur true love, is a whole lot more and different from being with a wrong partner. take these time i am sparing you to prepare yourself more,

so that when ur chance is bestowed upon you, when your real one is sent to appear in your life, you are ready to accept her, and will be ready and prepared to spend ur lifetime with her, and hand ur heart over to her.

every gets to the test, be thankful that you get more time to prepare urself."

just then~

a swirl and bright light flashed across his eyes~

so galring that he was threw behind on his back.

when he open his eyes again, the deep blue sky was gone, all left was a light blue sky with some white clouds floating around,

he hears the birds tweeting and he smells the flowers

daisies~ lavender~ chrysenthemun...~ ah~ all the fragrance~

he listens harder~

sparrows, myah, and that.... oh, the humming bird~

he realises that there are so many interesting things around him. the chirping of birds~ the fragrance from the flowers~

he looks at the water surface of the river besides him

the sunlight lays gently onto the crystal clear water.

the reflections appears so randomly in a charming pattern~

he stares at it for quite soem time, enchanted

he dips his finger into the water

the sudden cooling sensation brought him back to consious in the most refreshing way

he decided

he is going to explorre more beauty of life~ and observe things around him~ enjoy the beauty around him~

he went on and he was a happy chap~ playing basketball and table tennis on some days~

other days fiercely fighting the monster of fyp~

he got stress, he sweat, he plays, he laughed... and time went by

one day , year 2008, valentines day, he was sitting in the mrt, dozing off~


a flash of light appeared~

a glaring flash of light~

a familiar flash of light

he looked up and he saw the deep blue sky~

he was sitting on the grass land around a cliff again with the river flowing besides him~

a voice echoed through the deep blue sky

" are you happy with this life?"

he smiled and say " yes, there is so much to life, i am amazed. so much that i need more than a lifetime to explore~"

previously, i saw life as something so hollow, that i wanted to find my true love to fill up this empty space~

but now~ i see this life as so endless~ so long~ so much to explore~

" then i guess you are ready" the voice echoed

" why?

" ur true love is not thee to fill up empty spaces in u, and if you expect her to do so, it won't be a happy relationship, as you will be expecting things from her, like lots of attention, and expecting her to make you feel full and filled.

now that you see life as an endless journey, you got lota and lots to share with her, and relationship should always start of with intention to share, rather than to take. hence, you are ready for her. best wishes, young man!"

just then~

the same flash of light hit his face~ and pushed him back to land on his back~

he opened his eyes~

he had dosed off~

it was quite a pleasant dream and he felt quite comfortable~

just then, he realised that he was sleeping on the shoulder of the person beside him


he said anxiously~

as he drooled a little~

" it's ok."

he looked up

he saw a fine lady~

they looked at each other for a moment

and then she broke out with laughter~

she passed her a piece of tissue and he was a bit puzzled~

she motioned for him to wipe his mouth (rem? he drooled)

he was embarassed and he quickly wiped his mouth.

he looked at her, who is smiling......

-----------------the end ----------------------------


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