Tuesday, April 24, 2007


yup.. u read the title, so dun take offence of wat i'm gonna say..

had 2 papers today, both if which i left the exam hall early.. so far out of the 4 papers i took this sem, 3 of the papers i left early.. and i think i'm damn 'zai'.. come to think of it for the past 3.5 years i had only left the exam hall early on 1-2 occassions.. now actually i think only a few types of people wld left early..

first kind is the damn 'zai' who finishes early.. second kind the 'most of the qns dunno how to do so give up' i think i belong to the last kind.. the 'those qns know how to do do v fast those qns dunno how to do dun really give a damn cuz know sure pass and only aiming for a B' kind..

anyway, i have 1 last paper left on this Friday.. shld be ok.. i hope.. i'm damn bored now and no one ard is free.. haizz.. looking forward to tmr.. gg out watch movie again!

somehow today terry keep stepping on my toes.. i dunno why.. maybe cuz i period this few days.. can see from my attitude.. though he's a damn nice guy, his sense of humour sucks.. at least thats wat i think.. seriously.. realized our frequency v far apart.. oh yah.. and wats wrong with wanting to eat ice-cream when he asked me whether i wan Mac.. he actually thinks i'm joking! nvm.. anyway i dun really like Benjamin (for no wateva reason.. plainly cuz i got attitude problem) so i wun wan his help to buy back.. thanx for asking..

somehow i'm a very straightforward guy whos abit naive in his thinking, and hence when i see the people around me (i dunno whether they are considered my friends) doing the things they're doing, i seriously dun agree with wat they are doing, and dun understand why they are doing it.. well, if u think my attitude pissed u off sometimes, you pissed me off too..

i have a few friends (yes, i consider them my friends, but not the ones i was referring to in the previous paragraph) whos so into Christianity that they believe that everything they had is wat god and Jesus gave them and i believe i will nvr understand their thinking, cuz i'm 99% sure i'll nvr believe in christianity.. i believe that people shld have confidence and believe in themselves instead of thinking that it is God that gave them the power to do certain things.. yup.. and so i'll be gg to hell even though i may be a nice guy, juz becuz i dun believe in HIM..

some of my friends are quite well-off, at least more well-off than me, and i dun undertand why they had to scrimp and save and survive on biscuits and instant noodles almost everyday! i seriously dun mind treating them but i am sure they will reject my offer.. well, i know its gd not to ANYHOW spend money but at the very least i believe their health shld come first.. at least eat some proper food! i know its not cheap studying in uni and staying in hall.. i know u all do not wanna depend on ur parents.. but money can be earned later when u grad and get a gd job.. at least eat sth proper!

pls note that i'm writing all these down cuz i'm damn bored and i'm having m period, so pls dun get offended by wat i say.. if you're really not happy, well, i dun really care.. =)


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