Saturday, December 30, 2006

IHG bball

some clips.. you can see Terence grabbing rebounds and blocking shots like nobody's business, Hai Tao's elbowing everyone blocking his way, Weiqiang's 'act seh' dribbling and me slacking during defence and missing shots during offense..


updates on the IHG.. we played hall 12 and we won 66-24.. first time we actually thrashed an opponent.. but i did not think we played well, but rather the opponent was not very strong.. went on to meet hall 9 in the quarters.. we missed most of our shots for our offense, but we made it up by our strong defence..

the scoreline was quite close throughout the whole game and there was a point during the 3rd quarter that hall 9 led by 7-8 points.. howvever we came back with a couple of crucial shots made and went to take the lead a few minutes before the final whistle.. we led by 3 points with a few seconds remaining and the referee whistled a foul against us.. the opponent was awarded 3 free throws as it was a 3-point attempt.. he got the first 2 balls in and he committed the 5 seconds violation for the final throw..

i was at the bench then but they told me that that guy told one of his team-mates to block out and grab the rebound.. then went on to tell another guy.. then he slowly bounced the ball a few times and there goes the 5 seconds.. we won by 1 point in the end..

btw i injured my back during the last few minutes.. it was the same type of fall as i had about 8 years ago during the JC inter-faculty game.. i jumped vertically and landed horizontally.. juz that this time i did not use my hands for support and did not sprain my wrist.. hope i'll be fine before the match against hall 2 in the semis..

FYP still sucks and i'm progressing at too slow a pace.. still damn stressed over it and i realized that i'm not enjoying my holidays..

Results out yesterday and it was kinda expected.. Didn't really study much for it due to some reasons.. and yes, i still dun have my first 'A' in uni..

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

'new' laptop

My laptop hard-disk crashed last Monday.. had our first IHG bball match on Tuesday and we won by abt 10 points.. I only played the first half but was satisfied by my own performance.. made abt three 3-pointers 2 free throws and 1-2 under-the-baskets..

Struggled to fix my com for the rest of the week, with no success.. had a mini 4B class outing at Pasir Ris Park on Saturday, and finally went to Sim Lim to buy a new hard-disk on Sunday..

Had our 2nd match on Monday and we lost to hall 3 by 6 points, when everyone else (except those from hall 3 probably) expected us to win.. maybe its becuz of the absence of our 2 centers (Kaiyuan and Terence), maybe it’s the lack of supporters (compared to our first match) or maybe we juz dun have the luck? We played terrible defense I would say.. other than that, the fact that i missed abt 4-5 three-pointers might be another minor reason.. but the fact remains that we lost the match.. and NO! we did not deliberately lost the match.. the situation is the same as last year’s match against hall 9.. we lost and we didn’t lost deliberately.. I juz thought its damn ridiculous that people say we lost the match on purpose..

Anyway, I didn’t feel much after the lost, unlike in the past.. maybe I’ve lost the passion.. or maybe I dun expect much from our team? Anyway, our next match is on this Saturday against hall 12 and it’s a must-win..

I’m currently STRESSED UP over my fyp and I think I might have to stay in hall for another year.. but I’m learning to take everything in stride and handle things as they come..

Btw, thanks to terry for helping me to try fix my com and jasmine for lending me hers..

Saturday, December 09, 2006

i juz slpt for 16 hours..

had ihg bball training on tuesday morning.. first training after exams.. training was not that tough but considering the fact that i have not actually excerised for 1 month plus, it was rather exhausting.. had to rush to Sengkang Depot to settle some fyp stuff after that.. contacted Mr Paramjit Singh and he was a great help.. so was Mdm Ho.. my fyp has not been going smoothly and i was glad that i met them and had their assistance.. had dinner at JP after that and my legs were damn tired after the whole day..

friday was juz as tiring.. went to bed at 11+pm on thur nite but only got to slp ard 2am.. woke up at 3+am to do my fyp interim report.. went home at 6.15am, then went with out with parents to make offerings to my grandfather.. went back school again after that to finish up and hand in my report.. made my way to Marina Bay for our block outing after that..

reached home at 12+am and i slpt at ard 3am.. amazing thing is i slpt till 7pm today! guessed i must have been tired out.. physically and mentally? must have been stressed over my fyp..

though i dun really understand myself, i know i have many flaws and 1 of my major flaws is that i tend to get too affected by what other people say, even though i know that they dun really mean it.. nowadays people dun mean what they say and i wonder why.. i've always been a serious person, be it work or play, but somehow i know that the image i've portrayed isn't so..

i realized that sometimes i'll feel stressed when i'm in hall or with the people from my hall.. actually i'm kinda affected by the scandal between me and Jasmine.. whenever i'm with the extension gals, they will talk about me and her.. when i'm with the seniors they will also mention it.. as if not enough even other blk people (my friends from another blk) also asked me about whether the rumour is true..

i dunno how the rumour spread so far and i dunno why i'm so affected, but the problem is with me i guessed.. cuz i've always been unable to accept critisms.. anyway, i'll try to change and not to take things too seriously.. changing myself too suit this world i'm living in..

btw someone offered me a rather absurd deal juz now and i'm still deciding whether i shld accept it..

Monday, December 04, 2006

that time of the year

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Marina Square

Jeanie had her last paper today and all of us decided to go Marina Square.. we went there and we didn't do anything except having our lunch at Swensens.. Due to unforeseen circumstances Yongcai was unable to turn up and there were only Terry, Cechao, Secksen, Cheekit, Jeannie, Amelia and me!

After lunch we juz walked around aimlessly cuz there was no nice shows to watch.. but then i still enjoyed their company..

our "curry earthquake"..

group pic without me..

group pic without Secksen.. dun ask me why secksen and i took turns to disappear..

look how interesting our outing was..