Saturday, July 22, 2006

friday night..

met up with yaozhong, yuli, darryl, jaime and chunyi for dinner today.. venue Fish & Co at The Glass House.. first time i went there was last year when we celebrate Jaime's birthday.. second time's today.. anyway its been ages since we meet up and were sharing with one another about what we've been doing..

anyway, on my way home, i met her (the gal i got to know thru my intersem ge) again.. since that time i walked home with her, i started to walk home from Bedok Interchange rather than taking bus.. cuz she make me realized that i can save quite alot of money that way.. hahaa.. actually 1 minor minor reason i started to walk home more often after that day is that i'm hoping to bump into her again on my way home.. hahaa.. and tonight my wish came through.. hahaa.. they call this 缘分.. (juz joking.. she's attached already..)

shall sleep early tonight cuz i'm having basketball training tmr morning.. a couple of my friends and i were foolish enough to take part in BAS Open 2006.. and we're having our trainings every Saturday morning starting tmr.. well, actually i joined this competition not really to win, but for the experience and the fun of it.. at the age of 24, i guess i'm too old to have the passion to really put all my heart into it..

anyway, Alan says our main aim is not in the BAS Open.. its juz paving the way for us to excel in the coming dunno wat competition organized by Changkat CC.. well i certainly hope we'll do better this time, and at least get into the semis..

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

blood donation..

Finally went for a blood donation today.. wanted to go donate since end of exams, but couldn’t find anyone to go with me.. wanted to go last week but my partner and terry both called me on that day to tell me they cannot make it.. -_-

Anyway, saw Lee Teng at citylink! He was filming some show with Belinda.. went up to say hi.. didn’t really have time to chat with him cuz he has to carry on with the show.. wonder if there’s still chance to play basketball with him now that he’s graduated..

Went to meet haoz at TM after that.. got the book “the five people you meet in heaven” from her.. the author is Mitch Albom.. same author as the previous book I read “Tuesdays with Morrie”.. hope I’ll finish this book fast and have time to read another book before school starts..

Had been reading this book “Sleeper” by Paul Adam for the past 2 weeks.. borrowed it from the library after I finished “Tuesdays with Morrie”... but somehow maybe the story does not really interest me.. I’m only at page 50 out of the 377 pages.. and the book’s due on 27th July.. very certain I wun be able to finish it in time.. so I decided to throw it away.. I mean stop reading and return it to the library.. same fate as the last book I borrowed from the library “The Babel Effect”..

Been learning Flash MX, Fireworks MX and Dreamweaver on my own and I realized that there’s actually quite a lot of things you can do with these tools.. initially read up abit on Dreamweaver cuz of my part-time job.. after that find it quite interesting, and since I had nothing better to do at home.. decided to go learn more..

Been doing a lot of things this holidays.. things that I never thought I would enjoy doing.. things I’ve always wanted to do but din have the time.. pieced a 1000 pieces jigsaw puzzle.. read some books.. went sentosa play beach volleyball.. jogging and actually enjoying it.. used to hate running or jogging but now kinda beginning to learn to enjoy it.. treat it as a form of relieving stress and exercise..

One regret is that I have not learnt how to cook! Wanted to learn how to cook since last holidays.. cook anything.. maybe spaghetti cuz they all (dun ask me who is ‘they all’.. everyone always say ‘they all’ but no one knows who is ‘they all’) says it is quite easy..

Friday, July 14, 2006

the wonderful dream on 140706..

haven been updating for a while.. well, met up with some of the 18DA operators last saturday.. me jihong kimme chenzeu and laowai.. we went to some place near Queenstown mrt for lunch.. had hor fun and 锅贴.. which tastes much better than i expected.. and e same stall also sells refillable 菊花茶 for 10 cents..

after that we proceeded to Queensway shopping complex.. at the end of the day, everyone bought something.. quite unexpected.. i bought a shirt from 'UCLA' and i think chen zeu and lao wai bought their shirts from the same shop too.. kimme san bought a pair of track pants think.. also, chen zeu bought 2 pairs of shoes that day!

Sunday morning was the same routine, basketball at Changkat CC.. after that, due to jianhao, tong xue and weiliang's influence, i bought $10 on France leading at half-time.. since it was e World Cup finals, no harm betting a little money.. my last soccer bet was in fact the last World Cup i think.. and that was when i started soccer betting, being influence by fellow 18DA operators.. I had expected the France to lead first and the full time ending with either a draw or Italy to win.. that was why i chose the bet.. another reason is due to the odds 1:4.2..

watched the match at night in my room.. was exhilerated when Zidane scored the penalty within the first 10 minutes.. was working on my Slam Dunk jigsaw puzzle while watching the match.. God knows the dunno who from Italy equalized with a header soon.. and thats the end of my $10.. watched till full time and the score remains 1:1.. went to bed when the extra time starts.. anyway, i completed my jigsaw puzzle before i went to sleep..

went back hall on monday to shift my things to my new room.. actually juz moving 3 rooms away from my previous room.. my new room is 51-4-995.. went SRC play bball with Terence, 教授 they all and some hall 3 guys.. shifted some things over that night, and by tuesday afternoon i was able to finish shifting everything.. went back home for dinner.. Tuesday is the only day my whole family gets to eat dinner together.. cuz its my parents' only off day in the week..

Wednesday went to East Spring Secondary School to be teaching assistant for Dreamweaver.. Weiyi the trainer was still on his way when i reached.. was greeted by one of the teachers there, whom to my surprise was someone i 'knew'.. actually she was from the same secondary school as me, Ngee Ann, but back then we did not know each other (my whole sec sch life was spent on playing bball, i did not bother to make many friends then).. but somehow she added me (or i added her) in Friendster some time last year..

i am actually quite good at remembering faces (except ah nehs who all look the same to me..) and thus i was quite sure shes the 'Shuxian' i know in Friendster.. did not expected her to recognize me also.. cuz she said i look familiar.. anyway, learnt from her that quite a couple of students from our batch was into teaching..

after the lesson i went the food-court at Tampines Mart for my 'lunchner'.. the place still seem quite familiar to me.. it was one of my favourite hang0uts during my secondary school life.. some kinda 归属感.. went to Tampines Mall after that, wanted to get a frame for my finished puzzle.. but the shop at TM do not have the color i wanted.. didn't buy in the end...

thursday was a boring day at home, but i did something that i am proud of.. i went for a jog in the evening.. not sure why i wanted to run.. maybe i feel that i have been slacking too much.. maybe to train for the BAS Open 2006.. or maybe juz to exercise to make myself feel better, rather than coping at home all day.. actually wanted to play bball but its hard to jio pple.. and my ball is in hall..

anyway, none of the above mentioned is as important as what i did this morning.. I DREAMT OF CHARLENE CHOI.. the super cute gal from Twins.. in the dream i got to know her cuz she was staying over in my house, for wateva reasons i really had no idea.. of cuz Gillian was in my house as well.. i supposed they came to Singapore for some performance and for wateva reasons they had to stay at my house..

somehow for most part of my dream, Gillian was somewhere else in the house, leaving me and ah-sa in a room alone.. and i got to chat with her for quite sometime.. all we did was some chatting cuz in the dream she was still a celebrity while i was juz a fan of hers.. or maybe a friend at most..

anyway it was the best dream that i had in my entire life! better than the one i had with Stephen Chow.. and even better than the one with vampires running around.. how i wish that the dream is true.. one day i can be her friend and not juz fan.. hahaa.. 24 year old still having a crush on an idol..

anyway.. gotta end here.. almost time to play bball and wilsen warned us not to be late.. byebye..

Thursday, July 06, 2006

slam dunk..

getting pretty bored staying at home these few days.. decided to work on this jigsaw puzzle that i bought a couple of years ago.. dun understand why they replaced my 三井 with 仙道.. anyway i'm starting on it today.. and god knows when i will be able to finish it..

the largest puzzled i ever completed was one bought by my dad when i was in secondary school.. it was a 2000 pieces puzzle i think.. and its now hanging in our living room.. if i'm not wrong i think i took about 2 years to complete it..

spent all my time playing basketball then.. evryday was school till noon.. den basketball till evening.. it was a memorable routine.. saturdays and sundays were basketball time from 1pm to 10pm.. and sometimes weeks would pass without me touching the puzzle.. that explains why i took so long to complete it..

Jolin's "Mr Q" music video..

the video's nice cuz i like edison chen.. but the 2 of them dun seem to have much chemistry.. hahaa..

Monday, July 03, 2006

4B chalet..

Finally back from the long-awaited annual 4B chalet.. the usual routine, we met at white sands for lunch b4 proceeding to the ntuc to buy our stuff.. this year was a bit different, we had our chalet at aloha loyang instead.. and it was much more fun cuz its more spacious, and we had more facilities, so we can cook our own food..

This time round we didn’t play the 杀,反杀, replaced it with black magic, bangbangbang 谁死? and Mr Fuzzy Wazzy likes… played Indian poker and the loser was to drink a certain amount of water that we each took turns to add.. 1st game and I got an Ace.. drank 1 whole cup.. 2nd game I lost again.. 2 cups but luckily 3 spade (Miss Yeo’s new name) help me with one..

Later on during the game, Yang changed his card from one Ace of club to another Ace of club.. that was when we think it’s a bit 邪门.. a few games later he changed his cared from a club 3 to another club 3.. we stopped the game awhile later cuz it was getting a bit weird.. actually its juz that we were thinking too much.. nothing much happened later..

Dinner was special in the sense that this was the first time we had a proper dinner, with rice and 2 dishes (curry and chicken), at a chalet.. credits to our chief chef Hong Yong..

The next day we went to the beach, took some pics.. and they buried me in the sand.. my 1st time being buried.. was covered all the way to my face and the sun was like burning my face.. one was them was drawing something on my chest and it was damn ticklish.. will get to see what they drew when I get the pics..

Following that we went to the swimming pool, and there was 4 small jacuzzi pools there.. the six of us went down into 1 of the pools and spent quite some time inside..

Went back to the chalet and Siqi and Marvin went to cook fired rice for our lunch while the rest of us were playing Uno in the living room.. time passed rather fast and it was soon evening time.. juz before we went back, me Hong Yong, Shuhui and alan played mahjong for a while, and I was the big loser.. we then parted and Hong Yong, Shuhui and I went 85 market for dinner before proceeding home..

Some of the pics i took:

during supper..

our class..

superman Marvin..

back to our chalet..

Saturday, July 01, 2006

today is a happy day...

Went back to the once so familiar North-Point today, to have dinner, followed by watching “The Omen” with Ailing.. come to think of it, I realized that I did not watched a single show there before.. though I’ve been there countless times during my army days..

The show was average.. I would give it abt 6.5 to 7 out of 10.. the ending was not quite what I expected.. sort of like its planning to have a sequel, and the ending scene with Damien turning around to look at the screen was not really that frightening.. his stare was not ‘power’ enough..

went home after the show.. was kinda looking forward to “The Park” showing on Channel U at 11.30pm.. “The Park” (咒乐园) was slightly better than “The Omen” in my opinion.. at least the female lead is someone whom I liked since a few years back.. Bobo Chan (陳文媛), a Hong Kong actress and singer, and shes so cute!

And tonight’s World Cup quarterfinals, Germany vs Argentina, Ailing’s pretty good at predicting the score: full-time draw and Germany to win on penalty.. well, it was not that hard actually to tell that Germany will win, the reason obviously being that they are the host and the host country, due to some reasons, always perform exceptionally well..